Lunchtable! | By: Darrell M. Stark | Written by: Nicholas Noel
#48 | 02.04.2003 | "Dave's Damn Camera" Yellow Notepad: Issue #48 | 02.04.2003
Ok. Everyday, Dave brings in his digital camera. He takes random pictures and random movies of random things that shouldn't even have pictures taken of them ever. It's. Annoying. As. Hell.
In fact, As I was drawing this with Nick standing over me, Dave swooped in and took pictures of the comic being drawn!!! Gah!!!!!
Darrell M. Stark
Lunchtable! | Guest Artist: David Baker
Extra #20 | 02.04.2003 | "Lazy Dave" Yellow Notepad: Special Issue #20 | 02.04.2003
Being lazy for 10 years!
David Baker